The fully electronic Westlink M7 toll road is the result of decades of planning. It connects Sydney’s west and provides an uninterrupted journey between the M2, M4 and M5 motorways. The M7 incorporates intelligent application of more than 150 tonnes of structural steel pipe manufactured by Orrcon Steel. An integral component of the motorway is the construction of a modern and functional cycleway and walking path stretching nearly 40 kilometres. Orrcon Steel Structural Steel Pipe was used in the design, fabrication and construction of the cycleway’s handrail. As part of our commitment to the project, Orrcon Steel arranged for the production of samples of the finished handrail – 76.1mm OD heavy walled pipe – for representatives of the NSW Road Transport Authority to examine prior to installation.
Fabrication subcontractor, Glenn Down of Phoenix Engineering, said “Orrcon Steel had a very positive approach to the project from the beginning, where others said no, Orrcon Steel persevered and provided solutions. Pipe for the handrail – with lengths varying from 2.34 metres to 4.46 metres – were swaged or expanded at one end allowing one section of pipe to fit snugly into the next producing a clean fit then hot-dip galvanised for longevity. The handrail components were cut, swaged, bent, welded and galvanised in Brisbane and delivered to site in Sydney ready for installation.”
Orrcon Steel also provided many tonnes of 60.3mm OD and 88.9mm OD steel pipe for use as support posts for the project’s 3,000 glass noise barriers. “The pipe was specified because of its structural strength and aesthetics.”
Project: Westlink M7 Motorway
Customer: Roads and Traffic Authority NSW State Government
Contractor: Abigroup Leighton Joint Venture
Fabricators: Pipe Swaging: Radius Benders Pipe Fabricators: Phoenix Engineering
Orrcon Steel Mill: Brisbane
Orrcon Steel Products: Orrcon Steel Smart Steel Hollow Sections including: CHS 60.3, 76.1, 88.9mm OD
For more information give Orrcon Steel a call on 1300 677 266
Water Conservation and Reuse
Water scarcity is a critical global concern, with resource-intensive sectors like steel production playing a central role in exacerbating water consumption. Fabrik has taken decisive action to address this issue by prioritizing water conservation. The company has acknowledged the imperative to curtail its reliance on freshwater sources and safeguard the integrity of local water resources.
Fabrik has embarked on a path of innovation by deploying cutting-edge water treatment technologies that enable the recycling and reuse of water throughout its manufacturing operations. This forward-thinking strategy has substantially reduced water consumption and has concurrently diminished effluent discharge. As a result, the company has made significant strides in preserving nearby water bodies and ecosystems.