Ensuring Safety, Building Confidence.


The purpose of this Safety, Health & Wellbeing Policy is to outline Orrcon Steel’s commitment to creating a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors, visitors, and stakeholders. This policy aims to prevent incidents, injuries, and illnesses by promoting a culture of safety, providing guidelines for safe work practices, and ensuring compliance with relevant safety regulations and standards.


This Safety, Health & Wellbeing Policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, and stakeholders who engage in activities at Orrcon Steel facilities, job sites, and other locations under the control of Orrcon Steel.

Commitment to Safety, HEALTH & WELLBEING

Orrcon Steel is committed to:

  • Foster an environment of care and support for our health and wellbeing
  • Be visible leaders across our teams, actively consulting with and seeking participation from our employees and internal and external stakeholders
  • Clearly define, articulate and meet our Health, Safety and Wellbeing responsibilities and accountabilities
  • Align Health, Safety and Wellbeing activities with business strategies and risk profiles
  • Provide appropriate Health, Safety and Wellbeing information and training, develop our capability and decision-making abilities whilst fostering an environment of learning
  • Continually improve our Health, Safety and Wellbeing performance and supporting management systems, taking into account risks and opportunities and applying governance programs to assure the effectiveness of risk control measures
  • Comply with legal and other business requirements


a) Management:

   – Provide leadership in the development and implementation of safety programs.

   – Allocate necessary resources to support safety initiatives.

   – Establish clear roles and responsibilities for safety within the organisation.

   – Regularly review and update safety policies and procedures.

b) Employees and Contractors:

   – Follow all safety policies, procedures, and guidelines.

   – Report any unsafe conditions, hazards, or incidents immediately to a supervisor.

   – Participate in safety training and ongoing awareness programs.

   – Take necessary actions to prevent accidents and injuries.

Hazard Identification and Risk Management

a) Conduct regular risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential hazards.

b) Implement controls to eliminate or mitigate identified hazards.

c) Ensure that appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided and used as required.

d) Establish emergency response procedures and conduct drills to ensure preparedness.

Training and Communication

a) Provide comprehensive safety training to all employees and contractors.

b) Foster a culture of open communication regarding safety concerns, suggestions, and incidents.

c) Use clear and effective communication channels to disseminate safety information.

Incident Reporting and Investigation

a) Promptly report all incidents, injuries, and near misses.

b) Investigate incidents to determine root causes and implement corrective actions.

c) Share lessons learned from incidents to prevent future occurrences.

Continuous Improvement

a) Regularly review and update this Safety, Health & Wellbeing Policy to reflect evolving safety standards and best practices.

b) Set measurable safety goals and objectives, and regularly evaluate performance.

c) Encourage employee engagement and involvement in safety improvement initiatives.

Compliance and Legal Requirements

a) Comply with all applicable local, regional, and national safety laws and regulations.

b) Maintain accurate records of safety training, incidents, and compliance activities.

Orrcon Steel is dedicated to fostering a safe and healthy work environment that values the well-being of all individuals. Through collective efforts, commitment to safety, and continuous improvement, we aim to achieve our goal of an incident-free workplace. This Safety, Health & Wellbeing Policy serves as a guiding document to ensure that safety remains a top priority in all our operations.

Our facilities are equipped with modern technology and state-of-the-art equipment, including a tube mill, slitting lines, and advanced quality control systems, to ensure the consistency and quality of the products produced. The facilities employ over 600 people directly and contributes to the employment of many more in the regions.

Orrcon Steel is committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and environmental sustainability at all our locations. We have implemented comprehensive safety programs, including regular safety audits and training programs for employees and contractors, to ensure a safe working environment for all. We also have initiatives in place to minimise our impact on the environment, including waste reduction and water conservation measures.

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Building 3 / 121 Evans Rd,
Salisbury, Qld 4107